Sunday, March 11, 2012


March 11,2012

It's been raining all day here and I've been thinking about adding some of my past DIY projects on here for quite some time. This rainy day seems to be the perfect time to do just that. I don't have any step by step directions since these were all done some time ago but I will tell you a little about each picture. If you have specific questions, feel free to ask. Enjoy!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Life is grand

The book is moving along slowly. Albert got several opportunities for himself , one of which took him out to California. We were able to meet several times and go over the initial drawings of the characters and then life got busy and we haven't been able to move any further forward on the project.
Life is grand though, I've taken up kayaking and love exploring the nearby islands. I recently saw a live seahorse who was swimming in the water alongside my kayak. I continue to work three jobs, so as you can imagine that takes up a lot of my time. I continue to document my life through my photography. I've got several ideas for books that I'd like to publish using my photography and also plan to start making jewelry pieces using my favorite photos.
Keep cool, where ever you may be...follow my blog and watch for updates!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Amelia, the chihuahua

Last night Amelia wanted the last of the whale was crazy funny...she'd get her little chihuahua head inside the box to get to the crackers and then walk around with  the box stuck on her head. I tried to capture the moment with my camera but every time I went to snap the picture, she  moved, so all I got was a blur. Wish you could've seen it!

The History of Ricky

Over the past 2 years I've been working on the story line. It's gone through many transformations in that time. This summer I sent the script to my cousin Kirby Reints and he edited the grammar for me. Last week I met with Lauren, a friend and we set up a action list. One of the items on the list was to set up a blog.  Next week I'll be meeting with my illustrator, Albert to develop a business plan. If we can come to an agreement then we'll move forward toward publishing. Right now, I plan to self publish the book. I will use a company that I recently used to publish a book of photography.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

A friend suggested to me that I create a blog to have an avenue to tell you about my upcoming book. I'm very excited to tell you that I've got a great illustrator who's going to make my story come alive. Thank you, Albert Sorrentino!
Watch for updates about "Ricky" the roach and his adventures at Johnson Elementary School.
I'll also be sharing photos that I've taken as well as an occasional family photo or funny story. Also, watch for pictures of my dog Amelia.